Air, Ground and Maritime

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About AGM Security Group

AGM Security Group is a veteran-owned company revolutionizing security with our scalable and specialized contracted services. As a company, we believe that innovation is critical for overcoming the challenges of a dynamic operational environment. We hold true to that belief by utilizing the most advanced technology in our security operations.

As a result, we are capable of serving our clients with a multi-domain response representative of our name. Whether the mission profile involves Air, Ground, or Maritime, we rapidly adapt to meet your demands. AGM provides an end-to-end security capability that mitigates a wide variety of threats and secures your operation from every vantage point. This expansive capability isn’t by sheer luck but the product of extensive planning and effective use of technology.

The team at AGM has decades of operational experience across public safety, government and defense. Our staff’s diverse background enables the AGM team to implement this knowledge base into our tactics, techniques, and procedures.

AGM Security Group benefits from a solid infrastructure and foundation. Clients can expect to have their needs met by a full-scale response that can deploy 24/7 anywhere globally.

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Tampa, FL
United States


24 hours a day
7 days a week